Meet Kathryn

Hello, I’m Kathryn and I am a Certified Yoga Instructor with advanced training in Trauma Informed Yoga.

My passion for yoga began at a young age and since then, my journey has helped me to live each moment with mindfulness and acceptance. The spiritual nature of yoga is so inspiring to me; the practice of harmonizing the relationship of mind, body and soul has helped me grow physically and mentally stronger, become more flexible and patient, both on and off the mat.

200 RYT, B.A., HB.A.Sc (AHN)                      

I bring over thirty years of experience and formal education in mindfulness and yoga training, psychology and nutrition, and fitness/wellness coaching.

I will always be a student, forever growing and learning. I have a deep sense of gratitude for the loving wisdom my teachers have shared with me, and I believe that I will learn just as much from my students as they will learn from me. I have a Bachelor of Arts Psychology degree from McMaster University, a Bachelor of Applied Science of Nutrition degree from Guelph University, a 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher Training accredited with the Yoga Alliance and enhanced specialized training in Trauma Informed Yoga. It is important to me that Mindful Synergy Yoga is an inclusive place for healing and serenity that welcomes all faiths, religions, beliefs, and points of view.

My yoga sessions celebrate the flowing movements of the body with a spirit of playfulness and inspirational moments of stillness and meditation.

I approach every class with a genuine, non-judgemental teaching style that is based around a compassionate centered philosophy. I encourage everyone to go at their own pace, honouring their comfort level. My classes are a place for everyone to discover what their body and spirit needs that day. 

It is my hope that my passion, love, and dedication to yoga and mindfulness shines through to inspire others to illuminate their authentic self.

My goal is that each person steps off the mat feeling grounded, refreshed, peaceful yet empowered and strong.


“Let your heart be at ease, knowing that what was meant for you did not pass you by, and anything that passed by is not meant for you.”