Trauma Informed Yoga

Releases stress stored from trauma and helps you live a more peaceful and harmonious life.

What is Trauma Informed Yoga?

Trauma Informed Yoga is a series of gentle body movements that uses stress management techniques to calm the nervous system. It engages the mind-body connection to increase a person’s control over their own emotional states.

Trauma Informed Yoga helps build a support system for people dealing with anxiety, depression, mental distress, PTSD, emotional challenges, grief as well as physical ailments. For trauma survivors, the fight, flight or freeze instinct is highly engaged and it can be difficult to access a place of relaxation.

The focus is not to achieve a perfect pose or an increased level of practice. The goal is to be safe, secure, and supported. This yoga practice focuses on how it feels, not on what it looks like. Personal space is respected, and hands-on adjustments are not utilized. This is an internal experience, not an external one.

How Will Trauma Informed Yoga Help?

Long-term stress manifests as chronic muscle strain in the body of which a person may be unaware of. This constant state of stress influences emotions and actions and can eventually impact our overall health. Learning techniques that help manage the stress and trauma is extremely important to the quality of life.

This practice will enable you to strengthen your connection to your body to break down resistance and release trauma wounds that are standing in the way of living a more peaceful and harmonious life. Individuals can reduce anxiety levels, increase their focus and gain an overall positive sense of well-being.


“Just like the lotus flower that grows from the muddy waters to seek the light above, so are we all seeking the light within to uncover our own true self.”